Nueva y graciosa satirilla en que se explican dos raros chistes dados el uno por un cirujano barbero á un miliciano, y el otro dado por éste al barber …

New and witty satire in which two unusual jokes are explained: one played on a soldier by a barber-surgeon, and the other played by the latter on the former in retaliation for the insult done him, as the curious reader will see.

Valladolid: Imprenta de Santaren, [18–?]

This beautifully executed image distinguishes clearly between the barber (under the sign of his profession) and the soldier. Their breeches and the soldier’s hat suggest an early nineteenth-century date. The initial dispute discusses whether the cockerel is included in the sale of the wood to the barber. The emphasis in this text is on the ingenuity of argument between the two, rather than on slapstick comedy, with the exception of the final retaliation trick, in which the barber is asked to shave the donkey.


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