North and south façade elevations

Watercolour study
C.R. Cockerell and assistants, 1837-8
North and south façade elevations, both showing two bays of Senate House
Pencil and wash on two pieces of thick paper mounted. 95×63
MS Add.9272/4/61

One of the final stages of revision was through the rendering of the elevations into watercolour, carried out by Cockerell from copies of the designs. One purpose of this exercise was to show the effect of natural light on the facade, emphasising the dark shadows under the cornice and entablature. Another was to experiment with polychromy, with the order and entablature picked out in bright portland stone against darker whitby stone. Aside from these purely visual considerations, the watercolour studies also establish a mood, the brooding sky an analogue for the grandeur of the design itself.

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