Nuevo y famoso romance en que se refiere las atrocidades de Sebastiana del Castillo y como mató á su padre, á su madre…
Sebastiana del Castillo: New and famous ballad in which are told the atrocities committed by Sebastiana del Castillo and how she killed her father, her mother, and two brothers, because they kept her locked up for over a year, keeping her away from her lover, and the punishment she was given in Ciudad Rodrigo.
Barcelona: Imprenta de F. Vallés, [1815–54]
This depiction of Sebastiana arms her with what appears to be a blunderbuss or musket, though the text identifies the weapon as a carbine rifle. It omits any reference to the extremely bloody nature of Sebastiana’s crimes as described in the title. The two people being shot are probably intended to be her brothers, but the body on the ground is surplus to the story. Sebastiana appears here in a dress, contrary to the narrative and differently from other printings; this is another instance of a printer using an available image that is approximately suited to characters and events.