Quatre Bras
James Jenkins
The martial achievements of Great Britain and her allies: from 1799 to 1815
London: printed for J. Jenkins, by L. Harrison and J. C. Leigh, [1814–15]
Harley-Mason.a.23, [plate 49]
The text accompanying this plate, after a drawing by William Heath, describes the scene: ‘On the left… is the 92d regiment charging the enemy into a wood: it was here they lost their gallant colonel, Cameron, who was struck by a ball, and almost instantly expired. Lieutenant-Colonel Mitchel then took the command, and was soon after wounded; when he was succeeded by Captains Holmes and Dugald Campbell, who were both obliged to be carried from the field, being severely wounded. To the right is the 42d, under Colonel Macara, who having formed his regiment into a square, was repeatedly attacked by a body of lancers, who succeeded in penetrating it, when the brave colonel was pierced through the heart. Lieutenant-Colonel Dick then took the command; though wounded by a musket-shot, he succeeded in rallying his men, and put the lancers to flight.’
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