A prodigious library
Edward Bernard (1638–1696)
Catalogi librorum manuscriptorum Angliæ et Hiberniæ in unum collecti, cum indice alphabetico
Oxoniæ: e Theatro Sheldoniano, 1697
Edward Bernard’s ‘union’ catalogue of manuscripts in major libraries and private collections was published after years of research; it included around 30,000 manuscripts and occasionally, as here, books ‘sub artis Typographicae primordia’. Moore was included as one of the most significant private collectors in Britain, though by 1697 he had gathered together barely a quarter of his final holdings of manuscripts. Amongst the incunabula described in Moore’s early library is a beautiful volume of Augustine, noted at number 2 in Bernard’s supplementary list as ‘charta & typis pulcherrimus’.
Acton.a.45.91, pp. 378–379