Statuta Angliae
University Library, MS Dd.15.12, f. 9
England, fourteenth century
Vellum, 115 x 70 mm (80 x 45 mm), I + 240 + I ff.
The Tristan fragment, MS Add. 2751(3), has a crease down the middle because it was originally folded to form two flyleaves in this tiny manuscript, which contains a collection of statutes and other legal texts, in Latin and French, relating to England and its regions. In 1715, King George I purchased the celebrated library of the deceased Bishop of Ely, John Moore (Market Harborough, 1646–Ely, 1714), for the princely sum of £6,450. The King then donated the entire collection to Cambridge University Library. The illustration on this page depicts King Edward I enthroned.