Discovering texts: Codex Bezae
Codex Bezae
?Beirut, late fourth or fifth century CE
Codex Bezae Cantabrigiensis, which was written in the fourth or fifth century, occupies a unique place among manuscripts of the New Testament. Greek and Latin versions appear on facing pages, and the manuscript provides a very different form of text to that preserved in almost every other version of the Greek New Testament. A number of biblical parables are found only in Codex Bezae and the version of the Acts of the Apostles it contains differs significantly from other manuscripts. The Church reformer Theodore de Bèze gave his name to the Codex and in 1581 presented it to Cambridge University Library for safekeeping.
This volume has been digitised in full and can be viewed by clicking ‘Open Digital Library’ below.
MS Nn.2.41, ff. 67v–68r