Nueva relacion y curioso romance donde se da cuenta de la amorosa conversacion que tuvo un sacerdote con Dios nuestro señor, al qual se le apareció en trage de pobre à su propia puerta, pidiéndole una limosna: Y el desastrado fin que tuvo una criada suya, con lo demas que verá el curioso lector

New relation of events and curious ballad explaining the loving conversation that a priest had with God our Lord who, dressed as an indigent, appeared begging at his door. And the devastating end that his maid encountered, with the further details that will be seen.

Barcelona : En la Imprenta de Bernardo Pla. en los Cotoners, [1766-1797?]

This shows the monstrous retribution for a maidservant who failed to show charity to a beggar (Christ in disguise). It takes the form of being ripped to bits by devils representing the seven deadly sins. We are told that they are in the form of cats, but here, and in other examples, they seem to bear a greater resemblance to dogs.

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