Cuirassiers and hollow squares
William Mudford (1782–1848)
An historical account of the campaign in the Netherlands, in 1815, under His Grace the Duke of Wellington, and Marshal Prince Blucher…
London: H. Colburn, 1817
Lib.3.81.21, plate XXVIII
‘The Battle of Waterloo, representing that part of the action where the French Cuirassiers are attacking the English hollow squares. At this critical moment the Marquis of Anglesea is seen leading the Horse Guards to the charge, who succeeded in driving back the enemy with great slaughter.’ This double-page spread by George Cruikshank depicts one of many charges against the Allied infantry made in mid-afternoon by the French heavy cavalry under General Milhaud. The Earl of Uxbridge (who was given his later title in the plate’s caption) is shown leading a counter-attack, but it appears from many accounts of the battle that he experienced some difficulty in forcing British cavalry units to engage with the cuirassiers.
For further images from An historical account of the campaign in the Netherlands click on ‘Open Digital Library’.