The fortunes of Napoleon
William Combe (1742–1823)?
The life of Napoleon: a Hudibrastic poem in fifteen cantos by Doctor Syntax
London: printed for T. Tegg, W. Allason and J. Dick, Edinburgh, 1815
Harley-Mason.c.76, title page
A tale of two islands: from Corsica to Elba. George Cruikshank’s engraved title page of The life of Napoleon shows the protagonist leaving the island of his birth, clambering to power over a guillotine, the sword in his hand dripping blood; then sitting astride the globe in the trappings of Imperial pomp, firmly planted on the continent of Europe but with England beyond his reach; before plunging downwards in a bolt of lightning, the accoutrements of his power smashed, and being deposited in despondency on Elba. The toadstools give Napoleon the appearance of a malevolent pixie.
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