Blücher unhorsed
Edward Orme (1775–1848)
Historic, military, and naval anecdotes, of personal valour, bravery, and particular incidents which occurred to the armies of Great Britain and her allies, in the last long-contested war, terminating with the Battle of Waterloo…
London: Edward Orme, 1819
Harley-Mason.a.78, plate opposite p. 19
‘Prince Blucher under his Horse at the Battle of Waterloo’. Engraving by M. Dubourg after John Augustus Atkinson. Blücher was in fact unhorsed late in the day at Ligny, as Prussian cavalry units attempted to stem the inexorable French advance. The horsemen riding from left to right in this picture are the counter-attacking French cavalry; Blücher was in some danger of being captured, but in the speed and confusion of action Napoleon’s men missed their opportunity.
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