The Allied sovereigns in Leipzig (2)
James Jenkins
The martial achievements of Great Britain and her allies: from 1799 to 1815
London: printed for J. Jenkins, by L. Harrison and J. C. Leigh, [1814–15]
Harley-Mason.a.23, [plate 10]
This is the same scene, but as imagined by William Heath (and misdated in the caption to 18 October). The plate published in the Illustrated record of important events in the annals of Europe was claimed to have been taken from ‘a Drawing made on the Spot, on the 19. Oct. 1813’, but the well-ordered crowd, immaculately drilled troops and pristine buildings seem improbably perfect for an event which took place so soon after the conclusion of the battle. Heath’s depiction, showing the smoke not yet cleared and the dead lying where they fell, has the greater ring of truth.
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