The Duke of Brunswick
Edward Orme (1775–1848)
Historic, military, and naval anecdotes, of personal valour, bravery, and particular incidents which occurred to the armies of Great Britain and her allies, in the last long-contested war, terminating with the Battle of Waterloo…
London: Edward Orme, 1819
Harley-Mason.a.78, plate opposite p. 64
‘The Death of the Duke of Brunswick’. Engraving by M. Dubourg after Franz Joseph Manskirch. Friedrich Wilhelm, Duke of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel (1771–1815) was a general in the British Army. His father had died of wounds after the Battle of Auerstädt in 1806, and his own death at the head of the ‘Black Brunswickers’ (the Herzoglich Braunschweigisches Korps) at Quatre Bras was recorded in Byron’s poem Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage:
His heart more truly knew that peal too well
Which stretch’d his father on a bloody bier,
And roused the vengeance blood alone could quell:
He rush’d into the field, and, foremost fighting, fell.
In the prose of G. W. Picton, ‘a musket ball went through his bridle-hand, into the belly, and entered the liver; he died in a few minutes’.
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