Colonne de Rosback
F. Ternisien d’Haudricourt
Fastes de la nation française et des puissances alliées, ou tableaux pittoresques gravés par d’habiles artistes, accompagnés d’un texte explicatif…
Volume I, Paris: Gillé, fils, 1807–16
Ternisien d’Haudricourt’s collection of engraved images and text, originally issued in parts, was designed to ‘perpetuate the memory of high military deeds, traits of civic virtue, and exploits of members of the Légion d’Honneur’ during the Revolutionary and Napoleonic eras. The image on display shows Napoleon directing the demolition of the pillar erected by the Prussians to commemorate Frederick the Great’s victory over the French at Rossbach in 1757, following his own triumph at Jena in October 1806. In this copy, the original French engraved plates have been interleaved with letterpress translations in English, printed after the final overthrow of Napoleon.