Bringing the notes together
Robert Fayrfax (1464–1521)
Missa O bone Jesu
England, ca 1525-30
This partbook, a choral manuscript containing the music for one of a group of singers (in this case the Countertenor) was copied around 1525–30 and includes masses, motets and other choral works by some of the most renowned early English composers including John Taverner, Richard Davy and Robert Fayrfax. The volume and its Bass counterpart at St John’s College (the others are lost) are part of the Tudor Partbooks Project, which reconstructs this glorious music from whichever manuscripts survive; a complex but highly worthwhile undertaking.
This volume has been digitised in full: to view this, click ‘Open Digital Library’.
MS Dd.13.27, ff. 20v–21r (Royal Library)