Allied Powers: Friends or Foes?

Georgii Gins, who anglicised his name as George Guins, published his two-volume memoir Siberia, the Allies, and Kolchak, in Peking in 1921.  Guins had served under the White leader Admiral Aleksandr Kolchak in the Provisional All-Russian Government set up in September 1918 in Siberia.

The last part of Guins’ memoirs is called The Catastrophe, and the failure of foreign intervention is a major and bitter subject here.  Chapter 27 is called Treachery, and begins with the section ‘The hasty departure of the Allies’.  For those such as Guins, the Czechoslovak Legion, the force whose presence in Russia had helped ignite the anti-Bolshevik movement in Siberia and the Far East, were among the worst traitors.  In 1920, Kolchak resigned and was to be taken to the British in Irkutsk by the Czechoslovaks, but instead he was transferred to the Bolsheviks and shot.

Sibirʹ, soiuzniki i Kolchak / G.K. Gins (1921)  586:9.c.90.5

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