Saved from the waters (2)
Jean de Wavrin, Chroniques d’Engleterre
Burgundy, 1446–1471
University Library, MS Add. 853, f. 1r
France, c. 1470
Paper, 361 x 260 mm (242 x 181 mm), II + 232 + II ff. (vol. II)
According to a note at the front, the Library’s manuscript of the Chroniques d’Engleterre once belonged to King James II of England, who subsequently gave it to one of his favourites, as noted at the front of the first volume. The poor condition of the ink and illuminations is due to a mishap: in 1809 the manuscript was in a barge travelling from Wales to England which overturned in the Thames near London Bridge and remained in the river for two weeks. Its existing binding having been damaged by the water, the manuscript was afterwards re-bound in two volumes, which together entered the University Library collection as MSS Add. 852 and 853 in 1871, bought from Bernard Quaritch.