‘Many women were vigorous, but you surpassed them all’
Christ’s College, Book of Donors, f. 2r
Cambridge, 1623
Paper, 350 x 215 mm (276 x 97 mm), I + 346 + I ff.
At the end of the seventeenth century, the lists of gifts given to Christ’s College since its founding were collected and copied into this Book of Donors. A significant donation of 39 printed books on the part of Lady Margaret is the first recorded acquisition and several of those items are still held in Christ’s College Old Library. Lady Margaret is also recorded, in the opening of the register, as the College’s founder. Her virtues and her activities are remembered in a short Latin text that ends with a warning: ‘may anyone who would forget her lose the use of his tongue and right hand!’
Reproduced with permission of the Master and Fellows of Christ’s College Cambridge.