Un micro dans la bataille de Paris, 20–26 août 1944 (2)

Monaco: Les Éditions du Belvédère; Paris: Société française de radioproductions, [1945?]

Voices recorded on the disks include General de Gaulle, General Alfred Malleret-Joinville, Colonel ‘Rol’ (Henri Rol-Tanguy), and Maurice Kriegel-Valrimont, Pierre Villon and Count Jean de Vogüé; the latter three were Resistance leaders who had important roles in the liberation of Paris. There are eight sections. In ‘Les cloches de la Libération’ (the bells of the Liberation) on 26 August the bells of Notre-Dame begin to toll with distant gunfire in the background, a woman’s voice cries out, ‘Écoutez, écoutez, le son des cloches. Mais oui, mais oui, c’est le bourdon [large bell] de Notre-Dame’. A man’s voice: ‘Il est exactement vingt-deux heures vingt-cinq … les cloches de la Libération.’

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