Petrus Hispanus, later Pope John XXI (d. 1277) Summulae logicales
[Cologne: Johann Guldenschaff, before 1481?]
The Summulae logicales was a standard textbook on logic up to the seventeenth century. As is often the case for editions of common texts, frequently reprinted, survival rates for fifteenth-century editions of the Summulae logicales are extremely poor. Twenty-nine of the seventy-four recorded incunabular editions survive in unique copies, including this example. Produced in a small format, and bound in an inexpensive and light-weight parchment fragment from a thirteenth-century alchemical manuscript, this was a book which could travel easily. By the early sixteenth century this copy had travelled from Cologne to Galilee, carried there by Arnoldus Conradi, a Dominican Friar.
Inc.5.A.4.17[4139], fol. [a2] recto