Biblia latina (Fust and Schoeffer)
Mainz: Johann Fust and Peter Schoeffer, 14 August 1462
Fust and Schoeffer, respectively former financier and collaborator of Johann Gutenberg, commissioned the illumination of many copies of their edition of the bible from the ‘Fust Master’. This accomplished yet anonymous artist operated in Mainz and Heidelberg and his work is highly characteristic. The flowers and foliate decoration in this copy mimic a similar style, but the heavier handling of motifs and different use of colours suggest the hand of a follower or student of the Fust Master, probably working in Heidelberg for a different patron. At some point before the book was acquired by Cambridge University Library one of the sumptuous initials proved too tempting to an unscrupulous reader, who neatly removed it from the book.
Inc.1.A.1.3a[3762], vol. 1, fols. [z10] verso–[A1] recto
Printed on parchment; illuminated by an imitator of the Fust Master, late 1460s or early 1470s