Don Quixote in comic strips

Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes. Story adaptation by Samuel H. Ambranson, Illustrations by Zansky. IN Classics illustrated. New York: Gilberton, 1965. Copyright November 1965 by Gilberton Company, INC. in the United States and all foreign countries. Classmark: Waddleton.b.18.495

Don Quixote is definitely an iconic figure in the popular imagination now, featuring in this “Classics illustrated” series between Robinson Crusoe and Rip Van Winkle.

The humorous aspect is at the centre of the 42-page adaptation, the illustrations highlighting the farcical side of the story. A particularly good example of this is the cover image of the malevolent-looking windmill waiting to fight with Don Quixote, allowing the reader to somehow participate in the knight’s fantasies.

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