St Thomas Aquinas (3)
Penflourish initial Q at beginning of the Prologue
MS Ff.3.18, f 1r
Aquinas, Summa theologica Pt II. section 1
England, ca 1320–1340
This is another copy of the first section of Part II as indicated in the rubric at the top of the left-hand column of the text which also gives the author’s name. The topics covered in this section are man’s final end, human actions, passions and habits, sin, law and grace. The prologue at the beginning ends with the eight questions to be considered in the man’s final end section. Then follows each quaestio, each containing several articles, opening here with the section on man’s final end beginning with question 1, with its first two articles with objections and answers. The first question is ‘utrum hominis sit agere propter finem’ (whether it belongs to man to act for an end). The red and blue penflourish initial decoration of the manuscript is probably English but not clearly indicating production at any particular centre.