Processional (2)

The responsory, Mundum vocans, to Lesson I for Matins of St Dominic; the versicle, Ad hoc convivium, after this responsory; and the responsory, Verbum vite, to Lesson III for Matins of St Dominic
Processionarium Praedicatorum, Seville, 1519

These pages show the opening of the feast of St Dominic on 4 August, designated as patris nostri, with on the left the responsory Mundum vocans ad agni nuptias. This in the Breviary is the responsory to Lesson I at Matins which was evidently also used as the responsory to the hymn sung in the procession on his feast day. The Processional is the book used for those feasts which have processions or special liturgies which involve actions not in the normal liturgy of the Mass or Office. A good example would be the procession at the beginning of Mass on Palm Sunday. On the facing page is the versicle, Ad hoc convivium, after the responsory to Lesson I, and the responsory, Verbum vite, to Lesson III for Matins of St Dominic’s feast day on 4 August. These evidently were used in the procession on that day. Small ornamental initials are placed at the beginning of the responsories.

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