After Wittgenstein
Cover design for Fergus Kerr’s Theology after Wittgenstein
(2nd edition, first published by SPCK: London, 1997)
Image reproduced by kind permission of John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Fr Fergus Kerr studied in Aberdeen, at Le Saulchoir in Paris, and at Blackfriars, Oxford. He was Prior of the latter house from 1969 to 1978, and later Regent of its Hall from 1998 to 2004. In his 1986 book Theology after Wittgenstein Fr Kerr set out the importance of Wittgenstein’s late Philosophical investigations for a theology purged of Cartesian dualism.
More recent works include After Aquinas: versions of Thomism (2002), Twentieth-century Catholic theologians: from neoscholasticism to nuptial mysticism (2007), “Work on oneself”: Wittgenstein’s philosophical psychology (2008) and Thomas Aquinas: a very short introduction (2009). Since 1995 Fergus Kerr has edited the English Dominican periodical New Blackfriars.