The Lewis catalogue
George Lewis (d. 1729)
Catalogus Librorum Orientalium MSS., Nummorum, aliorumque Cimelior’, quibus Academiae Cantabrigiensis Bibliothecam
Cambridge, 1727
MS Add.2587.1,2
Two copies of a catalogue written by George Lewis listing his own collection, and printed in the year in which it was donated to the Library. Each manuscript is numbered, the titles are rendered into an early form of English transliteration and each has a brief description in Latin. This is followed by two lists of other items which include Arabic, Persian and Turkish coins made of gold or silver, and Indian coins from the reigns of the Mughal Emperors, Shah Jahan and Aurangzeb. Also listed are Indian walnuts, Japanese ink, weights, snake-stones and a fragment of ambergris. All the manuscripts can still be identified but there is written evidence that some items were transferred to the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology in 1887; other items have been lost without trace. Acquired from Henry Bradshaw in 1886.