Lithuanian boot and bible
Leather boot
Lithuania?, ca 1700
Naujas Testamentas wieszpaties musu Jezaus Kristaus …
[Königsberg]: Drukawójo arba iszspáude Spáustuwoj Reusnero Karalaućiuj', métu MDCCI
This boot—along with a shoe, now lost—was given to the University in 1707 by the widow of the Lithuanian theologian Tomasz Ramsaeus (Thomas Ramsay). He was probably one of the translators of the accompanying Lithuanian New Testament, also presented by Mrs Ramsay. The University Audit Book for the year records that she was given five pounds, seven shillings and sixpence in return, perhaps as a form of poor relief. Ramsay most likely studied at Edinburgh University (where there was a fund for educating Lithuanian Calvinists) and went on to work as a translator for Robert Boyle from ca 1685 to 1691. He wrote several pieces of Latin verse—one dedicated to the Chancellor and Heads of Cambridge University—and he probably had a connection to the University, encouraging his widow to make the gift.